Just a short post this week to wish every one of the readers of this blog a Happy Thanksgiving.
Those of us who are interested--some say obsessed--with trains can give thanks that we have these beautiful, wonderful, sometimes fire-breathing mechanical beasts to awe us and give us an object of never-ending fascination. We are thankful for passenger trains, for freight trains, for tourist trains, for model trains, and for virtual trains; also for the wide variety of organizations that operate trains, support them, build them, repair them, and make them one of the most remarkable things, by the grace of God, devised by mankind.
Thank you, too, for my readers, friends, and relatives who tolerate my interest in trains and my compulsion to write about them.
Finally, thank Almighty God for all of his blessings.
©2016 - C. A. Turek - mistertrains@gmail.com