Supply Chains, Railroads & Where Things Go Wrong - Part 1
As long as there has been commerce, there have been supply chains. Even though there is no record of the first ever supply chain, I can...
More to Come . . . Soon
I started blogging about railroads about as long ago as there were places to blog for free on the net. This blog is a perfect example of...
Pere Marquette, 1225, and the Polar Express
There are three things in the title. Fr. Jacques Marquette founded the first European settlement in what is now Michigan, Sault Ste....
A lot to be thankful for and PTC...almost
My readers may have noticed that I have not posted for over a month, so with my Thanksgiving wishes for a very rewarding Holiday Season,...
Serial killing in the railroad industry (updated)
Figuratively speaking, that is! If what's happening in railroading were a series of incidents involving living people and living bodies,...
Bad news and worse
As theoretical summer draws to a close, some of the worst news I can think of for the rail enthusiast comes from Amtrak. Where else...
What we could have and what we might have
Over the past couple of weeks, Rose and I have been watching a Russian TV show that I found on YouTube called Trans Siberian Odyssey. ...
Drama, glamour and color!
A brief quotation from Mr. R. B. Lyman of the International Forwarding Company in the November 1946 Trains says it as it still is today,...
PSR works, for the railroads. The rest still can't get no respect.
It has been about a month since I began my rant about the railroads' disregard for other interested parties in their quest to implement...
Can't get no respect. Focus on the bottom line.
This is an opinion. The opinion expressed is mine alone, and not that of any group or organization which may otherwise be linked on this...